Dr. Diane Balding

Diane Balding has always possessed a passion for animals. She grew up with cats and dogs and says that she was born ‘horse crazy’. Diane graduated from University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine in 1990. After working in several veterinary hospitals, she opened her own house call practice for companion animals in Ocala, FL. Diane later entered a PhD program at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy – Healthcare Administration. Then she relocated to South Carolina, where she taught biology, anatomy and nutrition at Spartanburg Community College. 

Since retiring, Diane has dedicated her time to helping companion animals – serving on the Foothills Humane Society Board of Directors (2018-2022), and volunteering with P3 Animal Assistance Foundation. After becoming involved in animal sheltering, Diane focused on spay/neuter programs and equitable access to veterinary care. She believes that every person deserves to experience the love of a pet, regardless of financial status, and every pet deserves basic veterinary care. She resides on a farm in Inman, SC with one husband, eight cats, two horses and one giant dog.

Contact Information:
dianebalding753@gmail.com, or 864-208-5846